French Language Game: Faire - Present Tense

Quick French Language Game: "faire" (to do, make) - present tense
(Photo by GG LeMere on unsplash)
Level: Elementary (A2)
Playing Time:
4 minutes

Play this fun interactive online game to practice "faire", present tense.
You'll also become familiar with some everyday expressions with "faire".

To sharpen your pronunciation, say the French OUT LOUD right after or along with the speaker.
Before you start, quickly go through the forms and sentences below.
This game works best for mid-Beginners who want to learn and review conversational French.
Play on a Computer or Tablet.

Present Tense of "faire"

  • je fais - I do, make
  • tu fais - you do, make (familiar)
  • il/elle fait - it/he/she does, makes
  • nous faisons - we do, make
  • vous faites - you do, make (formal & plural)
  • ils/elles font - they make (m/f)

Sentences and Expressions with "faire"

  • J'aimerais faire une réservation. - I'd like to make a reservation.
  • Il fait ses études à Paris. - He is doing his studies in Paris.
  • Nous allons faire une promenade. - We're going to take a walk.
  • Que faites-vous ? - What are you doing? (formal/plural)
  • Ils font leurs courses. - They're doing their shopping.

  • Enchanté de faire votre connaissance. - Delighted to meet you. (formal)
  • Il fait beau. - It's lovely weather.
  • Ça fait longtemps ! - It's been a long time!
  • Ça fait vingt et un euros. - That's twenty-one euros. (amount to pay)
  • Moi aussi, ça me fait plaisir de te revoir. - Me too, I'm happy to see you again.

If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a French Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice French online for FREE with our gamified 36-Scene French 1 Travel-Story: "Daniel en France". The story consists of 350 sentences (Level: A2 High Beginner - B1 Low Intermediate), to build your vocabulary and improve your conversational pronunciation.
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts. 
Just login HERE.
"The Story" and easy games will let you forget that you're actually learning French! 
If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

French Language Story Game 4

French Language Story: Le voyage de Daniel 4.

In the fourth part of Daniel's trip to France, he spends a few days in Aix-en-Provence with his friends Pierre and Virginie. (Image of Aix-en-Provence by Linh Nguyen on unsplash)
Hear and read Part 4 of Daniel's trip in French.
It contains 140 basic words and phrases, which you hear and read in context.
With this story, you can test your Level of audio comprehension of French: If you understand most of the story, you are plus or minus on the Level of Threshhold or Intermediate, i.e. B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). You can check a Table on Wikipedia with the Levels here.
Once you've listened to the story and know the meaning of the words, play it again a few times. Don't translate in your head, just follow the meaning as best as you can.
To improve your pronunciation, repeat each sentence along with or right after the native speaker.

10 Key Verbs in the Travel Story

  • voir - to see
  • ouvrir - to open
  • entrer - to go in
  • revoir - to see again
  • tutoyer - to say "tu" (informal "you")
  • penser - to think
  • commander - to order (at a restaurant)
  • travailler - to work
  • savoir - to know (a fact, etc.)
  • marcher - to go, walk

You can see the English translation by rolling over a sentence on a Desk- or Laptop (but not on a Phone or Tablet). You can also look at the translation below to get familiar with the meaning of the sentences.

To practice and recall the individual words and phrases of the story, register or log in and go to French 1, Daniel en France.

Translation of the Story

[Daniel has arrived in Aix-en-Provence. He has the address of Pierre, a French friend he met in Boston two years before, and goes to his apartment. Pierre's girlfriend Virginie opens the door.]
Narrator: Daniel finds 52 Mazarine Street.
Narrator: Virginie opens the door.
Narrator: She greets him:
Virginie: Hello Daniel, glad to finally meet you.
Daniel: Me too.
Virginie: Pierre told me a lot about you.
Daniel: Good things I hope!
Narrator: Daniel comes into the apartment.
Narrator: He sees another young woman.
Virginie: Mathilde, let me introduce Daniel to you, a friend of Pierre's from Boston.
Narrator: Then she says to Daniel:
Virginie: My sister Mathilde is visiting me.
Daniel: Hello Mathilde, delighted to meet you.
Virginie: Daniel, don't be so formal. You can say "tu" to each other!
Daniel: You don’t mind, Mathilde?
Mathilde: Of course not.
Narrator: She continues:
Mathilde: Among students we always say "tu."
Daniel: You are doing your studies in Aix-en-Provence?
Mathilde: No, I go to the university of Avignon.
Daniel: And me, I’m going to Avignon the day after tomorrow!
Mathilde: I'm going back Sunday.
Daniel: Perhaps we could see each other there.
Mathilde: Sure, but tomorrow I'd like to visit Aix-en-Provence.
Daniel: Me too, can I come with you?
Mathilde: Of course.
Narrator: A little later Pierre comes home.
Pierre: Hi Daniel, I'm glad that you're visiting us.
Daniel: Me too, I'm pleased to see you again.
Virginie: When were you exactly in Boston, Pierre?
Pierre: More than two years ago.
Daniel: Yes, we had a lot of fun at that time.
Narrator: Then Virginie says:
Virginie: We should think about lunch now.
Pierre: I can order a pizza.
Virginie: Good idea, I can make a salad.
Narrator: The next day is a Thursday.
Narrator: Daniel walks with Virginie and Mathilde in the old town.
Narrator: Virginie points to a café.
Virginie: The painter Paul Cézanne went often to the Café Clément.
Daniel: I believe that one can visit his studio here in Aix-en-Provence.
Virginie: Yes, and here is the bank where he worked until 1862.
Daniel: The bank? Paul Cézanne was a banker?
Narrator: Virginie explains:
Virginie: Yes he worked in his father’s bank before painting.
Daniel: Oh OK, I didn't know that!
Virginie: Paul Cezanne liked to live in Aix-en-Provence.
Narrator: They walk in the old town.
Narrator: Daniel admires the numerous old houses.
Narrator: On Cathedral Square, Virginie says
Virginie: The Saint Sauveur Cathedral is very ancient.
Daniel: When was it built?
Virginie: The bell tower was erected in 1323.
Daniel: America was discovered more than a hundred years later.
Virginie: We are proud of our cathedral!
Daniel: Are we going to see the Cours Mirabeau?
Virginie: Yes, it's the liveliest neighborhood of Aix-en-Provence.

German Language Story Game 5

German Language Story: In the fifth part of Michael's trip to Germany, (Michaels Reise 5), he travels to Munich where he checks into a hotel. (photo by Philipp Bachhuber on unsplash)

Level: Low Intermediate (B1)
Playing Time: 5 minutes

He does some sightseeing and spends a day at the Deutsches Museum, famous for its masterpieces of science and technology.
In the evening, he meets up with friends to eat at the Hofbräuhaus.
Later, they take the subway to the trendy Schwabing neighborhood.
Hear and read Part 5 of his journey in this German Language Game. It contains about 120 essential words and phrases in context.
Play the story as many times as you like.
To practice your pronunciation, repeat each sentence after or along with the speaker.
After the story, you can go through Flash Cards to recall the 10 key verbs below.

10 Key Verbs in Travel Story: Michaels Reise 5

  • sehen - to see
  • helfen - to help
  • aussteigen - to get off (a vehicle)
  • brauchen - to need
  • aufschreiben - to write down
  • besichtigen - to look at, tour
  • hinaufgehen - to go up
  • versuchen - to try
  • verbringen - to spend (time)
  • anrufen - to call (by phone)

Deutsches Museum

Founded in 1903, the German Museum in Munich - Deutsches Museum - is the world's largest museum of science and technology. It's located on a small island - Museumsinsel - in the river Isar.  For anyone interested in science and technology, this is a must.
Note: In German, "Deutsches Museum" changes to "das Deutsche Museum" when you add the article "the" (das).

A translation is available on the computer when you roll over a sentence. (But German only on a phone or tablet).
Register or log in and go to German 1, Michael in Deutschland if you want to practice and recall the individual words and phrases of this story.

English Language Game: Question Words

Quick English Language Game: Question Words
Level: Beginner (A1)
Time to Play: 4 minutes
Play this interactive online English Language Game (ESL) to learn and practice 6 Question Words in the context of typical short sentences.
[Translations in French, German, and Spanish are provided.]

English Question Words

• Who?
• What?
• When?
• Why?
• Where?
• How?

Short Questions

• Who is calling? 
• What time is it?
• When will he be back?
• How much?
• Where are you from?
• Why not?

As you play, always say the English sentence out loud and try to say it as fast as the speaker says it.
This will help to improve your pronunciation.

German Language Game: Geben - Present Tense

Quick German Language Game: geben (to give) - present tense.
Level: Elementary (A2)
Playing Time:
4 minutes

Learn and practice the present forms of "geben" with this fun interactive online game.
Present Tense: stem vowel changes: du, er/sie/es = "i"; all others = "e" (including the formal "Sie")
"Geben" + indirect object (give "to whom"): Ich gebe dir ... (I give [to] you ...).
"Geben" + direct object (give "what"): Ich gebe das Geld. (I give the money.)

Present Tense of "geben"

ich gebe - I give
du gibst - you give
er/sie/es gibt - he/she/it gives
wir geben - we give
ihr gebt - you-all give
sie/Sie geben - they/you(form.) give

Idiomatic expressions

es gibt - there is
Was gibt's? - What's up?

Indirect Pronoun Objects - give "to whom":

mir - (to) me
dir - (to) you [familiar]
ihm - (to) him/it
ihr - (to) her
uns - (to) us
euch - (to) you-all
ihnen/Ihnen - (to) them/you (formal)

Direct Objects - give "what":

Ich gebe dir den Kaffee. - I give you the coffee. [der Kaffee, masculine]
Ich gebe dir die Adresse. - I give you the address. [die Adresse, feminine]
Ich gebe dir das Geld. - I give you the money. [das Geld, neuter]

Short Sentences: "Geben" + Ind. and Dir. Object

Wir geben ihr die Adresse. - We give her the address.
They give us the money. - Sie geben uns das Geld.
Ich gebe dir den Kaffee. - I'll give you the coffee.
Kannst du mir das Geld geben. - Can you give me the money?
Sie gibt ihnen den Kaffee. - She gives them the coffee.
Es gibt kein Geld. - There's no money.

You'll find more in our post: How to Use the German Modal Verb "Können"

If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a German Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?".
(If you already know that "Blüten" means blossom in German - you'll learn that Blüten has still another meaning...).
Just login HERE.
If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

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