English Language Game: Pick "at" "in" or "to"

Quick English Language Game: Pick "at" "in" or "to"
A fun interactive online English Language Game (ESL) to learn and practice basic situations for using the Prepositions "at", "in", and "to".
The best way to learn a Grammar item is to do it little by little, ALOUD, with short sentences that you can remember.
He gets off at Union Square. (place: at subway or bus station)
My last class is at five. (point of time)
Are you in New York? (place: a city)
I think, in about 45 minutes. (amount of time in the future)
I normally add 15 to 20%. (range of amount)
It's not open to visitors. (idiom: open to "persons")
Once you've practiced these sentences, try using sentences like it in your conversations. 

Italian Language Game: Ciao Marco

Italian Language Game: Ciao Marco - Hello Marco
Play this quick Italian online game to practice 14 useful Italian phrases in the context of a mini-story.
Marco arrives at Via Montebello 52 in Florence, where his friend Alessandro lives.
Alessandro's girlfriend Giulia opens the door.

This brief story is also part of our Italian 1 course.
(You can play the complete course for FREE by registering HERE.)
When playing the game, say the Italian OUT LOUD.
Click again on the Italian to practice saying the word or sentence again.
Try "shadowing" the sentences, by saying them together with the speaker in natural speed.
Even if you know the meaning of all the words, saying the full sentences fluently takes practice.
Note that in Italian, the words for "I, you, he, she" etc. are often dropped, unless they are needed for clarity or emphasis.

Phrases in Italian Mini-Story Language Game

  • Marco trova - Marco finds [trovare]
  • Via Montebello - Montebello Street
  • cinquantadue - 52 / fifty-two
  • Giulia apre la porta - Giulia opens the door [aprire]
  • Lo saluta: - She greets him: [salutare]
  • Ciao Marco - Hello Marco
  • piacere di conoscerti - a pleasure to meet you (fam.) [conoscere]
  • finalmente - finally
  • Piacere mio. - My pleasure.
  • Alessandro mi ha parlato - Alessandro has told me [parlare]
  • molto di te - a lot about you (fam.)
  • Entra. - Come in. (fam.) [entrare]
  • Marco entra - Marco comes in / enters
  • nell'appartamento - into the apartment [nella = in + la]

After playing the game, write down some of the words you remember.
Recalling words and phrases is the best way to internalize vocabulary.
For more easy games see also our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends.

More Than an Italian Language Game

Remember: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the Italian 1 podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

French Language Game: Je te présente...

Quick French language Game: Je te présente Daniel (This is Daniel)
Play this quick online game to learn and practice 16 useful French phrases in the context of a mini-story.
Daniel arrives at his friend Pierre's place in Aix-en-Provence.
Pierre's girlfriend Virginie opens the door and introductions follow.

Say the French OUT LOUD right after the speaker! It'll sharpen your pronunciation!
You may already know most of the words, but saying them as part of a real conversation takes some practice.
Click on the French sentence and imitate the intonation of the speaker.
You can also "shadow" the sounds by saying the sentence along with the speaker.
Our games are for mid-to-high Beginners who want to learn and practice conversational French. 

Phrases in French Language Game

  • Daniel trouve - Daniel finds [trouver]
  • le cinquante-deux rue Mazarine - 52 Mazarine Street [i.e. the number 52]
  • Virginie ouvre la porte. - Virginie opens the door. [ouvrir]
  • Elle l'accueille. - She greets him. [accueillir]
  • Contente de faire ta connaissance. - Pleased(f) to meet you. (fam.)
  • enfin  - at last
  • Moi aussi. - Me too.
  • Il entre dans l'appartement. - He comes into the apartment.
  • il voit - he sees [voir]
  • une autre jeune femme - another young woman
  • ma soeur Mathilde - my sister Mathilde
  • rendre visite - to visit (a person)
  • elle me rend visite - she's visiting me
  • Mathilde, je te présente Daniel. - Mathilde, this is Daniel. ('I introduce to you')
  • un ami de Pierre - a friend of Pierre's
  • de Boston - from Boston

If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a French Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice French online for FREE with our 36-Scene French 1 Travel-Story: "Daniel en France". 
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts. 
Just login HERE.
"The Story" and easy games will let you forget that you're actually learning French! 
If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

Spanish Language Game: Hola, encantada...

Spanish Language Game: Hola, encantada de conocerte... (Hi, pleased to meet you... ) 
In this quick online game, learn and practice 15 Spanish words and phrases with a mini-story.
1. Identify key phrases.
2. Hear the mini-story.
3. Build the sentences with Word Invaders.
4. Test yourself with Flashcards.
5. Listen to the story again without translating.

Always say the Spanish OUT LOUD. Click on the sentences to hear them again. 

David arrives at the apartment of his friend Daniel, a Spanish friend who lives in Granada. Daniel's girlfriend Rosa opens the door and introductions follow.
When meeting someone new it helps to have a few polite phrases ready in the local language. Not cool to barge in with English right away.

This short episode is also part of our Spanish 1 course, which is a series of brief stories (that we call scenes).
In the 36 scenes of the course you learn and practice 750 useful words. 

(The full Spanish 1 course is available for FREE by registering HERE.)
Practicing with mini-stories is a great way to get more familiar with natural-speed Spanish pronunciation and idiomatic expressions.
Note that in Spanish, personal pronouns (I, he, she, we, etc.) are often dropped unless they are needed for clarity or emphasis.

Words in Spanish Mini-Story Language Game

  • ¡Hola! - Hello! 
  • David encuentra - David finds
  • la calle Reyes Católicos - the Catholic Kings street
  • treinta y cuatro - 34
  • Rosa le abre la puerta. - Rosa opens (him) the door.
  • Encantada de conocerte - Pleased(f) to meet you [familiar]
  • por fin - at last
  • Es un placer - It's a pleasure
  • el piso - the apartment [Spain]
  • David entra en el piso. - David comes into the apartment.
  • Ve a otra mujer joven. - He sees another young woman.
  • mi hermana - my sister
  • está de visita - she's visiting
  • Ana, este es David - Ana, this is David
  • un amigo de Daniel - a friend of Daniel's

Please share us with your friends who also want to learn Spanish, or Italian, German, or French.

More than a Spanish Language Game

If you like our Spanish games, you can practice Spanish - online and completely for Free - with our 36-Scene story "David en España" by just logging in, or registering HERE
You can find more resources for learning and practicing Spanish on FREELANGUAGE.ORG.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with a travel-story of a young man in Spain and easy games.

German Language Game: Ja gerne

Quick German Language Game: "Ja gerne!" - (Yes, I'd like to!)
A quick online German game to learn and practice 20 words and phrases in the context of a mini-story.
Michael arrives at his friend Karl's place in Heidelberg. 
Karl's girlfriend Renate opens the door. 
Her sister Claudia is also there, and introductions follow. 
What is the right form of address to use here, "Sie" or "du"? 

If you're visiting a German-speaking country, it's important to understand when to use "Sie" or "du".
Sometimes a mistake is cute, as when an American student addressed my six-year-old son with "Sie". 
Still, kids aside, it's always safe to address someone you don't know with "Sie" (shop keepers, people on the telephone, new people you're introduced to, etc.)
If anyone wants to switch to "du", they'll let you know. And anyway, that's a fun little social ritual.

Say the words and phrases OUT LOUD, right after or along with the speaker. 
That's a great way to sharpen your pronunciation and to internalize idiomatic expressions.
For example, standard expressions such as:
Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen. [Pleased to meet you. (formal)]
Wenn es dir recht ist. [If it's all right with you. (familiar)]
Wir duzen uns. [We say "du" to each other.]
Wir können uns treffen. [We can meet.]

NOTE that "studieren" means "to study at a university or college".
Studierst du? [Do you go to university? (fam.)]
Gehst du in die Schule? [Do you go to school? = grade, middle or high school].

Words in German Language Game

  • Freut mich... - I'm pleased...
  • ...Sie kennenzulernen - ...to meet you (formal) [kennenlernen]
  • Sei nicht so formell. - Don't be so formal. (familiar) [sein]
  • duzen - to use "du", the familar form of address
  • euch - to each other [referring to "you"]
  • ihr könnt euch duzen - you can say "du" to each other (fam.)
  • wenn - if [conjunction]
  • Wenn es dir recht ist. - If it's all right with you. (fam.) 
  • natürlich - of course
  • wir Studenten - we students
  • uns - to each other [referring to "we"]
  • wir duzen uns alle - we all say "du" to each other
  • studieren - to go to university or college
  • studierst du? - do you go to university? (fam.)
  • hier in Heidelberg - here in Heidelberg
  • ich studiere in München - I go to university in Munich
  • vielleicht - perhaps
  • sich treffen - to meet each other
  • vielleicht können wir uns treffen - perhaps we can meet each other
  • Ja gerne! - Yes, I'd like to!

If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a German Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?".
(If you already know that "Blüten" means blossom in German - you'll learn that Blüten has still another meaning...).
Just login HERE.
If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

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