Spanish Language Story Game: 4
Spanish Language Story: Part 4 of David's trip to Spain (El viaje de David 4 - En Granada).
Level: Low Intermediate (B1).
Playing Time: 6 minutes (The Story and Word Shoot Game)
David has arrived in Granada. He finds the street where Daniel and his girlfriend Rosa live, and she opens the door. Rosa's sister Ana is also visiting and introductions follow. When Daniel comes home, they order pizza. During the next days, his friends join David for a visit to the Alhambra. (And David finds out that the American author Washington Irving spent three months there in 1829, to write "Tales of the Alhambra"). They also walk around the university (founded in 1531 and one of the oldest in Europe). Finally, they go up to el Mirador de San Cristóbal, a spectacular viewpoint that overlooks the city.
Hear and read Part 4 of David's trip in Spanish. It contains 130 basic words and phrases.
As you play the story, listen to the speaker without translating the words.
To hear a sentence again, click on it (before continuing to the next screen).
"Shadow" each sentence by saying it along with (or just after) the native speaker.
That's an effective way to practice the sounds and rhythm of conversational Spanish.
Note: in context, words for "he, she, we" etc are often omitted in Spanish unless they are needed for clarity.
Shootout Game: 10 Key Verbs
• encontrar - to find
• abrir - to open
• entrar - to enter, go in
• ver - to see
• tutear - to say "tú" to someone
• estudiar - to study
• llegar - to arrive
• pensar - to think
• pedir - to order
• vivir - to live
On a desk- or laptop you can roll over the translation (but not on a phone or tablet).
To practice the words and phrases of the whole story for free, register or log in and go to Spanish 1, David en España.
Categories: Spanish | Tags: David en españa, Spanish, Spanish language story