Spanish Language Game: ¿Cuánto tiempo?

With this Spanish Language Game "¿Cuánto tiempo?" (How long?) you learn and practice 12 Spanish words in the context of a mini-story.
The setting is Passport Control at the El Prat Airport in Barcelona, Spain.
This mini-story is also part of our Spanish 1 course. (You can play the full Spanish 1 course for FREE by registering HERE.
Always say or repeat the words and phrases OUT LOUD. Your pronunciation and listening skills will improve a lot!

Words in Spanish Mini-Story Language Game

  • you're here - está aquí
  • por negocios - on business
  • visito a - I'm visiting (persons)
  • los/las familiares - the relatives (common gender)
  • ¿cuánto tiempo? - how long?
  • quedarse - to stay
  • se queda - you're staying
  • me queda - I'm staying
  • casi - almost
  • las semanas - the weeks
  • que tenga - may you have (subjunctive)
  • una buena estancia - a good stay

Please share us with your friends who also want to learn Spanish or one of our other languages.

More than a Spanish Language Game

If you like our Spanish games, you can practice Spanish - online and completely for Free - with our 36-Scene story "David en España" by just logging in, or registering HERE.
You can find more resources for learning and practicing Spanish on FREELANGUAGE.ORG.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with the travel story of a young man in Spain and easy games. 

Spanish Language Game: Hello Goodbye

Spanish Language Game: Hello Goodbye.

Level: Beginner (A1)
Playing Time: 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Learn and practice online - 10 words and expressions for greeting, thanking, saying goodbye, etc.
Always repeat the Spanish OUT LOUD.
To better learn and remember, go over this list visually, or even write out the Spanish by hand on a sheet of paper or on little flashcards.
But the most important thing is to SAY the words out loud, several times.

  • Hola - Hi
  • Buenos días - Good morning
  • Buenas tardes - Good afternoon
  • Por favor - Please
  • Gracias - Thanks
  • De nada - You're welcome
  • ¿Qué tal? - How are things?
  • Lo siento - I'm sorry
  • Momento - Just a moment
  • Adiós - Goodbye

Please share us with your friends who also want to learn Spanish or one of our other languages.

More than a Spanish Language Game

If you like our Spanish games, you can practice Spanish - online and completely for Free - with our 36-Scene story "David en España" by just logging in, or registering HERE.
You can find more resources for learning and practicing Spanish on FREELANGUAGE.ORG.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with a travel-story of a young man in Spain and easy games. 

Spanish Language Game: ¿Dónde?

Spanish Language Game "¿Dónde?" (Where?) 
Learn and practice 20 Spanish words and phrases in the context of a mini-story.
On his flight from Boston to Barcelona, David explains to the woman sitting beside him how he learned Spanish.
This mini-story is also part of our Spanish 1 course. (You can play the full Spanish 1 course for FREE by registering HERE.)
If you say the words and phrases OUT LOUD, your pronunciation and listening skills will really improve!
When you play, click on the Spanish to hear it again.

Words in Spanish Mini-Story Language Game

  • ¿Dónde? - Where?
  • ha aprendido español - you learned Spanish (formal)
  • primero - first (adverb)
  • en casa - at home
  • luego - then, later
  • en la escuela - in school
  • ellos hablan / hablan - they speak
  • sus - his, her, your, its, one's
  • sus padres - your, his, her parents 
  • mi padre - my father
  • español - Spanish (m) (nationality)
  • mi madre - my mother
  • mexicana - Mexican (f)
  • pero - but
  • usted vuela / vuela - you fly, you're flying (formal)
  • a España - to Spain
  • por primera vez - for the first time
  • yo visito / visito (a) - I visit, I'm visiting (+person)
  • mis amigos - my friends
  • los familiares - the relatives

 Please share us with your friends who also want to learn Spanish or one of our other languages.

More than a Spanish Language Game

If you like our Spanish games, you can practice Spanish - online and completely for Free - with our 36-Scene story "David en España" by just logging in, or registering HERE.
You can find more resources for learning and practicing Spanish on FREELANGUAGE.ORG.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with a travel-story of a young man in Spain and easy game.

Spanish Language Game: Genial

Spanish Language Game "¡Genial!" (Great!).
 Learn and practice 12 easy Spanish words and phrases in the context of a mini-story.
On his flight from Boston to Barcelona, David, a young traveler chats with the woman sitting beside him.
This mini-story is also part of our Spanish 1 course. (You can play the full Spanish 1 course for FREE by registering HERE.)
Always say the words and phrases OUT LOUD after the speaker. You'll greatly improve your pronunciation and listening skills!

Words in Mini-Story Spanish Language Game

  • genial - great
  • usted habla español - you speak Spanish (formal)
  • mi inglés - my English
  • no es - is/it's not
  • muy bueno - very good
  • yo puedo - I can
  • practicar - to practice
  • muy bien - very well
  • es - you are (formal)
  • americano - American (m)
  • nací - I was born
  • en - in (+ city)

Please share us with your friends who also want to learn Spanish or one of our other languages.

More than a Spanish Language Game

If you like our Spanish games, you can practice Spanish - online and completely for Free - with our 36-Scene story "David en España" by just logging in, or registering HERE.
You can find more resources for learning and practicing Spanish on FREELANGUAGE.ORG.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with a travel-story of a young man in Spain and easy games.

Spanish Language Game: Vocabulary Quiz #6

In this Spanish Vocabulary Quiz #6, you can playfully test your knowledge of Basic Spanish Vocabulary.
You'll learn new words and phrases as you play.
The words, phrases, and sentences in this Quiz come from Level 6 of GamesforLanguage's Spanish 1 Story - "David en España."
You can also listen to all six (6) Scenes of Level 6 practice your listen skills by clicking on the mp3 audio HERE or on the Podcast.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with a travel-story of a young man in Spain and easy games.
Please share us with your friends who also want to learn Spanish or one of our other languages.

More than a Spanish Language Game

If you like our Spanish games, you can practice Spanish - online and completely for Free - with our 36-Scene story "David en España" by just logging in, or registering HERE.
You can find more resources for learning and practicing Spanish on FREELANGUAGE.ORG.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with a travel-story of a young man in Spain and easy game.
If you are interested in other programs - which we are practicing with - you can read Ulrike's posts: "Lingualia" - Learning Spanish (or English) - A Review, and  "Language Zen" - Learning Spanish - A Review for her assessment.

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