German Language Game: Ist hier noch frei?

Quick German Language Game: "Ist hier noch frei?" - (Is this spot/seat/chair free?)
With this quick online German game, you can learn and practice 17 words and phrases in the context of a mini-story.
On the train from Frankfurt to Heidelberg, Michael finds a seat at the window.
As he reads his travel guide, he hears a familiar inquiry as someone is looking for a seat: "Ist dieser Platz noch frei?" (Is this seat still free?)
This is a very useful phrase to have when traveling in Germany. Especially because it is customary to share tables at a casual restaurant, beer hall, café outside, etc. 
Say the words and phrases OUT LOUD, right after or along with the speaker. It's an excellent way to improve your pronunciation and internalize grammar without thinking about it.
For example: Typical German contractions.
- "zum" = zu + dem [er geht zum Gleis - he goes to the track]
- "im" = in + dem [im Zug - in the train]
- "am" = an + dem [am Fenster - at the window]

Words in German Language Game

  • er geht - he goes [gehen]
  • zum Gleis zwölf - to track 12
  • er fragt - he asks [fragen]
  • er muss nicht lange warten - he doesn't have to wait long
  • bis der Zug kommt - until the train comes
  • im Zug findet er - in the train he finds [finden]
  • sofort - right away
  • einen Platz am Fenster - [finds] a seat at the window
  • gerade als - just as
  • er beginnt - he begins [beginnen]
  • der Reiseführer - the travel guide
  • lesen - to read
  • er hört - he hears [hören]
  • Ist dieser Platz noch frei? - Is this seat still free?
  • eine junge Frau - a young woman
  • sie setzt sich - she sits down [sich setzten]
  • ihm gegenüber - across from him

If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a German Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?".
(If you already know that "Blüten" means blossom in German - you'll learn that Blüten has still another meaning...).
Just login HERE.
If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

Spanish Language Game: ¿Cuándo sale el tren?

Spanish Language Game: "¿Cuándo sale el tren?" (When does the train leave?) 
In this quick online game, learn and practice 13 Spanish words and phrases, in the context of a mini-story. 
David has just bought a ticket from Barcelona to Granada.
Now he asks the "vendedora de billetes" when the next train will leave and from what track.
This short episode also comes up in our Spanish 1 course, which is a series of brief stories (which we call scenes).
In the 36 scenes of the course you learn and practice 750 useful words.
(The full Spanish 1 course is available for FREE by registering HERE.)
Mini-stories are a great way to get more familiar with Spanish vocabulary and Spanish pronunciation.
Always say the Spanish OUT LOUD. Click on the sentences to hear them again. 

Words in Spanish Mini-Story Language Game

  • David toma - David takes [tomar]
  • su billete - his ticket
  • entonces - then
  • le pregunta a la vendedora de billetes - he asks the ticket agent
  • ¿cuándo sale el próximo tren? - when does the next train leave?
  • en siete minutos - in seven minutes
  • a las ocho en punto - at eight on the dot
  • ¿tengo que? - do I have to
  • hacer transbordo - to change trains
  • el tren va directo - the train goes direct
  • ¿sabe? - do you know (formal)
  • por que vía - on what track
  • por la vía doce - on track twelve

Note: In the sentence: 'Entonces le pregunta a la vendedora de billetes', the pronoun "le" (her) is redundant and just specifies the person David is asking.
At the end of the game, you'll hear the story again. Listen to it without translating.

Please share us with your friends who also want to learn Spanish, or Italian, German, or French.

More than a Spanish Language Game

If you like our Spanish games, you can practice Spanish - online and completely for Free - with our 36-Scene story "David en España" by just logging in, or registering HERE
You can find more resources for learning and practicing Spanish on FREELANGUAGE.ORG.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with a travel-story of a young man in Spain and easy games.

Italian Language Game: È libero questo posto

Italian Language Game: È libero questo posto? - Is this seat free?
In this quick Italian online game, you'll learn and practice 16 Italian phrases in the context of a mini-story.
This brief episode tells about Marco's train trip from Pisa to Florence.
The mini-story is also part of our Italian 1 course.
(You can play the complete course for FREE by registering HERE.)
As you play the game, say the Italian OUT LOUD.
Once you know the words, don't translate, just try to understand! 
After you've practiced and recalled some of the individual words, you'll hear the mini-story again.
This time "shadow" the sentences, by saying them together with the speaker in natural speed.
Note that in Italian, the words for "I, you, he, she" etc. are often dropped, unless they are needed for clarity or emphasis.

Phrases in Italian Mini-Story Language Game

  • va - he goes [andare]
  • al bianario tre - to track three
  • non deve - he doesn't have to
  • aspettare a lungo - to wait long
  • prima che il treno arrivi - before the train arrives [prima che + subjunctive]
  • sul treno - on the train
  • trova subito - he finds right away [trovare]
  • un posto al finestrino - a seat at the (train) window
  • proprio mentre - just as
  • inizia a leggere - he begins to read
  • la guida turistica - the travel guide
  • sente - he hears [sentire]
  • È libero questo posto? - Is this seat free?
  • una giovane donna - a young woman
  • si siede - (she) sits down [sedersi]
  • di fronte a lui - opposite to him

After playing the game, look at the words again and read them aloud.
For more easy games see also our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends.

More Than an Italian Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the Italian 1 podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

Italian Language Game: Quando parte...?

Italian Language Game: Quando parte il prossimo treno? - When does the next train leave?
In this quick online game, you'll practice 13 Italian words and phrases in the context of a mini-story.
Marco has just bought a ticket to take the train from Pisa to Florence.
He asks the ticket agent when the train will leave and from what track. 
The mini-story is also part of our Italian 1 course.
(You can play the complete course for FREE by registering HERE.)
Note that in Italian, the words for "I, you, he, she" etc. are often dropped, unless they are needed for clarity or emphasis.
Always say the words, phrases, and sentences OUT LOUD.
Don't translate, and try to understand as you speak! 
After you've practiced and recalled the individual words, you'll hear the mini-story again.
This time "shadow" the sentences, by saying them together with the speaker in natural speed.

Phrases in Italian Mini-Story Language Game

  • prende - s/he takes [prendere]
  • il suo biglietto - his ticket
  • poi - then
  • chiede alla biglietteria - he asks the ticket agent [chiedere]
  • quando parte il prossimo treno? - when does the next train leave?
  • il treno regionale veloce - the fast regional train
  • tra sette minuti - in seven minutes
  • alle dieci e diciotto - at ten eighteen
  • devo cambiare treno? - do I have to change trains?
  • no, non deve - no, you don't have to [dovere]
  • sa - you know (formal) [sapere]
  • da quale binario - from which track
  • dal binario tre - from track three

After playing the game, look at the words again and read them aloud.
For more easy games see also our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends.

More Than an Italian Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the Italian 1 podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

French Language Story Game 3

French Language Story: Le voyage de Daniel 3.

In the third part of his trip to France, Daniel stays a few more days in Paris.
He then takes a train to Aix-en-Provence to see a friend he had met in Boston.
Hear and read Part 3 of Daniel's trip in French.
It contains 140 basic words and phrases, all in context.
With this story, you can test your Level of audio comprehension of French: If you understand most of the story without looking at the English, you are plus or minus on the Level of Threshhold or Intermediate, i.e. B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). You can check a Table on Wikipedia with the Levels here.
Listened to the story a few times until you become familiar with its meaning without translating the words in your head.
Repeat the sentences a split-second after the speaker to really internalize the sounds and the rhythm of what you hear.

10 Key Verbs in the Travel Story

  • faire - to do
  • payer - to pay
  • vouloir - to want
  • rencontrer - to meet
  • visiter - to visit (a place)
  • aller - to go
  • prendre - to take
  • changer - to change
  • attendre - to wait
  • composer - to dial (a number)

You can see the English translation by rolling over a sentence on a Desk- or Laptop (but not on a Phone or Tablet). You can also see the English translation here below.

To practice and recall the individual words and phrases of the story, register or log in and go to French 1, Daniel en France.

Translation of Story

[Daniel and his cousin Julie took a break on their tour of Paris to have coffee and some strawberry tarts at a Café. Now Daniel calls the waiter for the check.]
Daniel (to the waiter in a Café): Excuse me
Daniel: The check please!
Narrator: The waiter brings the check.
The waiter: Here you are. That makes 21 euros 45.
Narrator: The waiter leaves.
Daniel asks Julie: Can I pay with a credit card?
Julie: Yes, if you want.
Daniel: I have a hundred euros, I’m paying cash.
Narrator: Then he asks Julie:
Daniel: Is the service included?
Julie: Yes, in France always.
Narrator: Daniel stays a few more days in Paris.
Narrator: He walks in the city with his young cousin.
Narrator: He meets Julie’s friends.
Narrator: He visits several museums
Narrator: And he learns a lot of things about the history of the city.
Narrator: He's particularly interested in the Louvre Museum.
Narrator: On Wednesday Aunt Annie accompanies Daniel to the train station.
Narrator: At the ticket window, he says:
Daniel: One second class ticket to Aix-en-Provence, please.
Ticket Agent: One-way or return?
Daniel: One-way, please.
Ticket Agent: That makes 75 euros by the TGV.
Daniel: Here are 80 euros.
Ticket Agent: Thank you, and here are 5 euros.
Narrator: Daniel takes his ticket.
Narrator: Then he asks the ticket agent:
Daniel: When does the next TGV to Aix-en-Provence leave?
Ticket Agent: In seven minutes, at six eighteen p.m.
Daniel: Do I have to change trains?
Ticket Agent: No, the TGV is direct.
Daniel: Thank you. Do you know on which track?
Ticket Agent: One moment - track number twelve.
Daniel: Thanks a lot for your help.
Ticket Agent: You're welcome and have a good trip.
Narrator: Daniel goes to track 12.
Narrator: He doesn't wait long before the train arrives.
Narrator: In the train he finds right away a seat by the window.
Narrator: Just as he begins to read his guidebook, he hears:
Young woman: Is this seat still available?
Daniel: Yes, of course.
Narrator: A young woman sits down next to him.
Narrator: Less than three hours later, Daniel arrives in Aix-en-Provence.
Narrator: He has the address of a friend from Boston.
Narrator: He dials the number on his cell phone.
Narrator: A woman picks up.
Daniel: Hello, could I speak to Pierre please?
Young woman: I’m sorry, he's not yet here.
Narrator: Then she asks:
Young woman: Who's calling?
Daniel: Daniel Dumont, I’m a friend from Boston.
Young Woman: Ah Daniel! I'm Virginie, Pierre's girlfriend.
Daniel: Hello Virginie. When will he be back?
Virginie: In a quarter of an hour.

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