Italian Language Game: Avere - Present Tense
Ouick Italian Language Game: avere (to have) - present tense.
Level: Beginner (A1)
Time: 4 minutes
Practice the present-tense forms of the irregular verb "avere" online, with this fun, interactive Italian Word Shoot language game.
Then, with Word Invaders, put together an easy sentence with each.
(Image Credit: Arthur Yeti on Unsplash)
Note that in Italian the pronoun is often dropped, except for emphasis or clarity.
But, in any case, with or without a pronoun, you always have to use the correct verb form.
Avere - to have
- io ho - I have
- tu hai - you have (familiar)
- lui, lei ha - he, she has
- noi abbiamo - we have
- voi avete - you(pl) have
- loro hanno - they have
- il libro - the book
- l'indirizzo - the address (m)
- la chiave - the key
- le fotografie - the photos
As you play the game, make sure you say the words out loud.
It's a good way to learn new vocabulary and to improve your pronunciation.
If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends.
More Than an Italian Language Game
Remember: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the Italian 1 podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions - don't hesitate to contact us!
Italian Language Game: Posso parlare con...
Italian Language Game: Posso parlare con... - Can I speak with...
In this quick Italian online game, you can learn and practice 14 Italian phrases as part of a mini-story.
Marco has arrived in Florence to visit his friend Alessandro.
He dials the number, but a woman answers.
The mini-story is also part of our Italian 1 course.
(You can play the complete course for FREE by registering HERE.)
When playing the game, it's best to say the Italian OUT LOUD.
After you've practiced and recalled some of the individual words, you'll hear the mini-story again.
This time "shadow" the sentences, by saying them together with the speaker in natural speed.
Even if you know the meaning of all the words, saying them in sentences takes some practice.
Note that in Italian, the words for "I, you, he, she" etc. are often dropped, unless they are needed for clarity or emphasis.
Phrases in Italian Mini-Story Language Game
- in meno di un'ora - in less than an hour
- arriva a Firenze - he arrives in Florence [arrivare]
- ha l'indirizzo - he has the address [avere]
- di un amico - of a friend (m)
- compone il numero - he dials the number [comporre]
- sul suo cellulare - on his cell phone
- una donna risponde - a woman answers [rispondere]
- Pronto! - Hello! (on the phone)
- Posso parlare con... - Can I speak with...
- non c'è - he's not here
- mi dispiace - I'm sorry
- Chi parla? - Who's speaking? [parlare]
- Sono Marco Magini - I'm Marco Magini
- un amico di Boston - a friend(m) from Boston
After playing the game, look at the words again and read them aloud.
For more easy games see also our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends.
More Than an Italian Language Game
And don't forget: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the Italian 1 podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions - don't hesitate to contact us!
Italian Language Game: Quando parte...?
Italian Language Game: Quando parte il prossimo treno? - When does the next train leave?
In this quick online game, you'll practice 13 Italian words and phrases in the context of a mini-story.
Marco has just bought a ticket to take the train from Pisa to Florence.
He asks the ticket agent when the train will leave and from what track.
The mini-story is also part of our Italian 1 course.
(You can play the complete course for FREE by registering HERE.)
Note that in Italian, the words for "I, you, he, she" etc. are often dropped, unless they are needed for clarity or emphasis.
Always say the words, phrases, and sentences OUT LOUD.
Don't translate, and try to understand as you speak!
After you've practiced and recalled the individual words, you'll hear the mini-story again.
This time "shadow" the sentences, by saying them together with the speaker in natural speed.
Phrases in Italian Mini-Story Language Game
- prende - s/he takes [prendere]
- il suo biglietto - his ticket
- poi - then
- chiede alla biglietteria - he asks the ticket agent [chiedere]
- quando parte il prossimo treno? - when does the next train leave?
- il treno regionale veloce - the fast regional train
- tra sette minuti - in seven minutes
- alle dieci e diciotto - at ten eighteen
- devo cambiare treno? - do I have to change trains?
- no, non deve - no, you don't have to [dovere]
- sa - you know (formal) [sapere]
- da quale binario - from which track
- dal binario tre - from track three
After playing the game, look at the words again and read them aloud.
For more easy games see also our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends.
More Than an Italian Language Game
And don't forget: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the Italian 1 podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions - don't hesitate to contact us!
Italian Language Game: Al telefono
Here is the Italian Quick Language Game: Al telefono - On the phone
"Pronto", the typical Italian "hello" when calling or answering the phone.
First listen to this telephone conversation between Marco and Giulia, (which occurs in Level 3, Scene 6 of our Italian 1 course).
If you don't catch it all, you can refresh your memory with this Italian Game.
For more easy games see also our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.
More Than an Italian Language Game
And don't forget: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story course: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts. Just login HERE.
The only reason we ask you to register is so you can continue the course where you left off, rather than to start again at the beginning! And, if you have any language questions - don't hesitate to contact us!