French Language Game: 8 Conversational Phrases

Quick French Language Game
: 8 Conversational Phrases

Level: Beginner (A1)
Playing Time: 4 minutes

Play this fun online French game to learn and practice 8 phrases used in everyday French.
Start out by looking over the list here.
Then play the game with Memory, Car Race, and Word Shoot.

Finally test yourself with the Flash Card game. Here you can go back and forth as often as you want.
Make sure you say the French OUT LOUD. Repeating silently won't improve your pronunciation. Relax and enjoy the sounds of the French words.

8 Conversational Phrases

• Merci beaucoup. - Thanks a lot.
• De rien. - You're welcome.
• Pourquoi pas? - Why not?
• Si tu veux - If you want.
• Pas de problème. - No problem.
• Je suis désolé(e) - I'm sorry. (m/f)
• Ça a l’air bon. - That looks good.
• Oui bien sûr - Yes of course.

If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a French Language Game

Don't forget: You can practice French online for FREE with our 36-Scene French 1 Travel-Story: "Daniel en France".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts.
Just login HERE.
"The Story" and easy games will let you forget that you are actually learning French!
And, if you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

French Language Game: Pouvoir - Present Tense

Quick French Language Game: Pouvoir (can, to be able) - Present Tense

Level: Beginner (A1)
Playing Time: 3 1/2 minutes

Play this fun online French game to learn and practice the present tense of "pouvoir" (to be able to, can).
As you play, say the French words OUT LOUD!  It'll help you improve your pronunciation.

Pouvoir - Present Tense

• je peux - I can
• tu peux - you can (familiar)
• il/elle peut - he/she can
• nous pouvons - we can
• vous pouvez - you can (formal & plural)
• ils/elles peuvent - they can (m/f)

If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a French Language Game

Don't forget: You can practice French online for FREE with our 36-Scene French 1 Travel-Story: "Daniel en France".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts.
Just login HERE.
"The Story" and easy games will let you forget that you are actually learning French!
And, if you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

Italian Language Game: Potere Dovere Volere

This Quick Italian Language Game plays with the Italian Modal Verbs: Potere, Dovere, Volere.

Level: Elementary (A2)
Time to Play: 4 minutes
Review the present tense forms of the Italian helping verbs: "potere" (to be able, can); "dovere" (to have to, must), "volere" (to want).

Modal Verbs are used frequently in everyday Italian conversations. Since Italian modals are irregular, it takes practice to master them.
Note that the words for "I, you, we, they" are often dropped in Italian, unless they are needed for clarity or emphasis.

Not only do you want to recognize them when you read and write them in Italian, you need to get the sounds right. To do that, you have to hear them and say them. So, repeat out loud after the native speaker.

Potere (can, be able) - Present Tense

  • io posso - I can
  • tu puoi - you can (familiar)
  • lui, lei, Lei può - he, she is able/can; you (formal) are able/can
  • noi possiamo - we can
  • voi potete - you can (plural)
  • loro, Loro  possono - they, you (pl. formal) can

Dovere (have to, must):

  • io devo/io debbo - I have to, must
  • tu devi - you have to, must
  • lui, lei, Lei deve - he, she has to/must; you (formal) have to/must
  • noi dobbiamo - we have to, must
  • voi dovete - you have to, must
  • loro, Loro - they, you (pl. formal) have to, must

Volere (to want) - Present Tense 

  • io voglio - I want
  • tu vuoi - you want (familiar)
  • lui, lei, Lei vuole - he, she wants; you (formal) want
  • noi vogliamo - we want
  • voi volete - you want (plural)
  • loro, Loro vogliono - they, you (pl. formal) want

For more easy games see also our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than an Italian Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia."
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

Spanish Language Game: Querer - Present Tense

Spanish Language Game: Querer - Present Tense

Level: Beginner (A1)
Playing Time: 4 minutes

With this fun interactive Word Shoot language game, you'll learn and practice the present tense of "querer" - to want.

Querer - Present Tense

yo quiero - I want
tú quieres - you want (familiar)
él, ella quiere - he, she wants
Usted quiere - you want (formal)
nosotros/as queremos - we want (m/f)
vosotros/as queréis - you want (pl, m/f) [Spain]
Ustedes quieren - you want (pl) [Latin America]
ellos/as quieren - they want (m/f)

Play the game and pronounce the forms until you know them inside out.
Please share us with your friends who also want to learn Spanish or one of our other languages.

More than a Spanish Language Game

If you like our Spanish games, you can practice Spanish - online and completely for Free - with our 36-Scene story "David en España" by just logging in, or registering HERE.
You can find more resources for learning and practicing Spanish on FREELANGUAGE.ORG.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with a travel-story of a young man in Spain and easy games. 

Italian Language Game: Trivia Quiz

Italian Language Game: A short Italian Trivia Quiz. Play and discover where the Ponte di Rialto, the Piazza dei Miracoli, the Palazzo Ricasoli, and the famous Palazzo Vecchio are located.
Learn and practice 10 Italian words and phrases with this FREE online game for learning the Italian language. Listen, and repeat out loud after the native speaker.

  • dov'è? - where is?
  • il ponte - the bridge
  • vorrei - I'd like
  • andare - to go
  • la piazza - the square
  • il duomo - the cathedral
  • si chiama - it is called
  • il palazzo - the (large) building, the palace
  • vecchio - old (m)
  • il palazzo comunale - the city hall

If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends and read our post with 5 Easy Italian Language Games.

More Than an Italian Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

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