Posted on by Peter Rettig

Where to begin ... ? Speaklikethem Blog Post

In May 2015, Speaklikethem mentioned Gamesforlanguage courses as a fun way to get started with learning a foreign language:

Where to begin when learning a new language?

As you know, is a platform to improve language skills, not to start learning a language. Beyond the well-known e-learning sites, there is a site we’ve just discovered for those who want to learn the basics fast and in a fun way: on you’ll dive right into language learning with its effective play-and-learn method.

Italian shootout -

Why do we like GamesforLanguage? First of all, it’s a smart set of games to feed the learn-by-playing methodology. Maybe we like above all the creativity behind the games. Maybe you’ll start with one of the Quick Games or Tests. And then, when you play one of the courses (currently French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Inglés) you’ll look forward to the next Scene of “The Story” or the next level of the game!But beyond the games, you’ll also discover other surprises. If you surf the site, you’ll soon bump into podcasts, dictionary databases, and blogs with learning tips, travel experiences, or cultural topics. Moreover, GamesForLanguage offers 100% of their services for free, with no up-sell or limited time functionalities!!

Developing one’s own practice path

Obviously, practice is essential for improving your foreign language skills. It is also one of the founding ideas of Speaklikethem. Read on...