Italian Language Story Game 5: Venezia
Italian Language Story: Marco in Venezia
Level: Low Intermediate (B1)
Playing Time: 6 minutes
In Part 5 of Marco's trip to Italy (Il viaggio di Marco 5 - Venezia), he takes the Intercity to Venice.
There he goes by vaporetto (water taxi) to the Hotel Al Gambero.
He first explores Venice on his own, and one of the evenings, he gets together with Claudia, and some of her friends.
After dinner, they walk over to the trendy Campo Margherita for drinks.
On his last day, Claudia shows him Venice and its lagoon from up on the Bell Tower of Saint Mark's. The view is magnificent.
Listen to Part 5 of Marco's journey in Italian. It contains 125 basic words and phrases, all in context. Play the story several times. Click on individual sentences to hear them again. Repeat the Italian aloud.
Even if you don't know all the words, try to understand what is said without translating. The context will help you.
Key Verbs in Travel Story: Il viaggio di Marco 5
• consigliare - to recommend, suggest
• prenotare - to book
• aiutare - to help
• acquistare - to purchase
• dare - to give
• collegarsi - to log in, connect
• provare - to try
• affascinare - to fascinate
You can see the English translation on a desk- or laptop (but not on a phone or tablet).
To practice the individual words and phrases of the story, register or log in and go to Italian 1, Marco in Italia.
Italian Language Game: Potere - Present Tense
Italian Language Game: potere (can, be able) - present tense.
Level: Beginner (A1)
Playing Time: 3 1/2 minutes
Play this fun Italian Word Shoot game and learn the present-tense forms of the irregular verb "potere".
Then, with Word Invaders, put together an easy sentence with each.
Note that in Italian subject pronouns often dropped, except for emphasis or clarity.
But, with or without a pronoun, you always have to use the correct verb form.
Note also:
"you can" formal (singular): Lei può
Potere - can, be able
- io posso - I can
- tu puoi - you can (familiar)
- lui, lei può - he, she can
- noi possiamo - we can
- voi potete - you-all can
- loro possono - they can
- pagare - to pay
- prendere - to take
- parlare - to speak
- aiutare - to help
Always say the words OUT LOUD as you play the game. It's the best way to practice pronunciation.
If you want to play a game to review all three Modal Verbs together, click here: Volere. Dovere. Potere.
If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends.
More Than an Italian Language Game
Remember: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the Italian 1 podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions - don't hesitate to contact us!
Italian Language Game: Essere - Present Tense
Italian Language Game: essere (to be) - present tense.
Level: Beginner (A1)
Time to Play: 4 minutes
Play this easy Italian Word Shoot language game to learn and practice the present-tense forms of the irregular verb "essere" online.
Then, with Word Invaders, put together an easy sentence with each.
(Image Credit: Manarola, Italy. Jack Ward on Unsplash)
Note that in Italian the pronoun is often dropped, except for emphasis or clarity.
But, in any case, with or without a pronoun, you always have to use the correct verb form.
Note also:
"you are" formal (singular): Lei è
"you are" formal (plural): Loro sono
Essere - to be
- io sono - I am
- tu sei - you are (familiar)
- lui, lei è - he, she is
- noi siamo - we are
- voi siete - you-all are
- loro sono - they are
- qui - here
- a casa - at home
- contento - glad (m.)
- stanco - tired (m.)
Always say the words out loud as you play the game. It's the best way to learn their pronunciation.
If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends.
More Than an Italian Language Game
Remember: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the Italian 1 podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions - don't hesitate to contact us!
Italian Language Story Game 4: Firenze
Italian Language Story: Marco in Firenze
Level: Low Intermediate (B1)
Playing Time: 4 minutes
Part 4 of Marco's trip to Italy (Il viaggio di Marco 4 - Firenze).
In Part 4 of Marco's trip to Italy, Marco arrives at his friend's place. Alessandro's girlfriend Giulia invites him in, and introductions follow.
In the next few days, Giulia and her sister Claudia show Marco around town. They visit Palazzo Ricasoli, where the American author James Fennimore Cooper had lived for almost a year. They also go to see the famous Palazzo Vecchio, and enjoy a grand view from Piazzale Michelangelo, a large square located on top of a hill.
(Photo by Herr Bohn on Unsplash)
Listen to Part 4 of Marco's journey in Italian. It contains 135 basic words and phrases, all in context.
You can play the story, or any part of it, as often as you want. Click on individual sentences to hear them again.
Repeat the Italian sentences aloud with or right after the speaker and try to understand what is said without translating.
Key Verbs in Travel Story: Il viaggio di Marco 4
- aprire - to open
- sperare - to hope
- entrare - to enter, go in
- visitare - to visit (a place)
- divertire - to amuse, entertain
- passeggiare - to stroll, walk
- indicare - to indicate, point out
- sapere - to know, be aware of
You can see the English translation on a desk- or laptop (but not on a phone or tablet).
To practice the individual words and phrases of the story, register or log in and go to Italian 1, Marco in Italia.
For easy games (Beginner, A1) see our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
Italian Language Game: Day Week Month Year
Play Italian Language Game: Day Week Month Year. A fun interactive vocabulary game to practice some basics: the singular and plural of these masculine and feminine nouns. (Photo by Juliana Malta on
The somewhat tricky part for English speakers is that the definite article "the" has several singular and plural forms in Italian. Using a game to practice these four nouns is a good start to internalizing the forms and their sounds.
Learning just the rules of a language pattern is sometimes too abstract and overwhelming. Practicing the sounds of specific examples, helps to create automatic responses. For example, you learn and then know that "il giorno - i giorni" is the regular masculine pattern for nouns starting with a consonant (with the exceptions noted below in the "Summary of Italian Articles").
So, when you encounter other masculine nouns starting with a consonant*, you automatically know what the pattern is: "il ragazzo - i ragazzi" (the boy - the boys), "il fratello - i fratelli" (the brother - the brothers), "il campo - i campi" (the field - the fields), etc. etc. (*However, please note the exceptions below which use "lo" and "gli" instead of "il" and "i"!)
Day Week Month Year
As you play, say the words OUT LOUD and imitate the speaker.
- il giorno - the day (m)
- i giorni - the days (m)
- il mese - the month (m)
- i mesi - the months (m)
- la settimana - the week (f)
- le settimane - the weeks (f)
- l'anno - the year (m)
- gli anni - the years (m)
Summary of Italian Definite Articles
il -for masculine singular nouns starting with a consonant
l' -for masculine singular nouns starting with a vowel
lo -for masculine singular nouns starting with s+consonant, z, y, gn, ps, pn
i -for masculine plural nouns starting with a consonant
gli -for masculine plural nouns starting with a vowel, s+consonant, x, z, y, gn, ps, pn
la -for feminine singular nouns starting with a consonant
l' -for feminine singular nouns starting with a vowel
le -for feminine plural nouns starting with a vowel or a consonant
For more easy games see also our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends.
More than an Italian Language Game
With our Italian 1 course you'll practice Italian for FREE - with the story of a young man traveling through Italy. "The Story" and easy games will let you forget that you are actually learning Italian!
If you just play ONE lesson a day (we call them "Scenes") - and review the previous day's dialogue and Scene - you'll be amazed how much you'll have learned after 36 days!
And make sure to listen to the Podcast after each Level (six Scenes)