French Language Story Game 4

French Language Story: Le voyage de Daniel 4.

In the fourth part of Daniel's trip to France, he spends a few days in Aix-en-Provence with his friends Pierre and Virginie. (Image of Aix-en-Provence by Linh Nguyen on unsplash)
Hear and read Part 4 of Daniel's trip in French.
It contains 140 basic words and phrases, which you hear and read in context.
With this story, you can test your Level of audio comprehension of French: If you understand most of the story, you are plus or minus on the Level of Threshhold or Intermediate, i.e. B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). You can check a Table on Wikipedia with the Levels here.
Once you've listened to the story and know the meaning of the words, play it again a few times. Don't translate in your head, just follow the meaning as best as you can.
To improve your pronunciation, repeat each sentence along with or right after the native speaker.

10 Key Verbs in the Travel Story

  • voir - to see
  • ouvrir - to open
  • entrer - to go in
  • revoir - to see again
  • tutoyer - to say "tu" (informal "you")
  • penser - to think
  • commander - to order (at a restaurant)
  • travailler - to work
  • savoir - to know (a fact, etc.)
  • marcher - to go, walk

You can see the English translation by rolling over a sentence on a Desk- or Laptop (but not on a Phone or Tablet). You can also look at the translation below to get familiar with the meaning of the sentences.

To practice and recall the individual words and phrases of the story, register or log in and go to French 1, Daniel en France.

Translation of the Story

[Daniel has arrived in Aix-en-Provence. He has the address of Pierre, a French friend he met in Boston two years before, and goes to his apartment. Pierre's girlfriend Virginie opens the door.]
Narrator: Daniel finds 52 Mazarine Street.
Narrator: Virginie opens the door.
Narrator: She greets him:
Virginie: Hello Daniel, glad to finally meet you.
Daniel: Me too.
Virginie: Pierre told me a lot about you.
Daniel: Good things I hope!
Narrator: Daniel comes into the apartment.
Narrator: He sees another young woman.
Virginie: Mathilde, let me introduce Daniel to you, a friend of Pierre's from Boston.
Narrator: Then she says to Daniel:
Virginie: My sister Mathilde is visiting me.
Daniel: Hello Mathilde, delighted to meet you.
Virginie: Daniel, don't be so formal. You can say "tu" to each other!
Daniel: You don’t mind, Mathilde?
Mathilde: Of course not.
Narrator: She continues:
Mathilde: Among students we always say "tu."
Daniel: You are doing your studies in Aix-en-Provence?
Mathilde: No, I go to the university of Avignon.
Daniel: And me, I’m going to Avignon the day after tomorrow!
Mathilde: I'm going back Sunday.
Daniel: Perhaps we could see each other there.
Mathilde: Sure, but tomorrow I'd like to visit Aix-en-Provence.
Daniel: Me too, can I come with you?
Mathilde: Of course.
Narrator: A little later Pierre comes home.
Pierre: Hi Daniel, I'm glad that you're visiting us.
Daniel: Me too, I'm pleased to see you again.
Virginie: When were you exactly in Boston, Pierre?
Pierre: More than two years ago.
Daniel: Yes, we had a lot of fun at that time.
Narrator: Then Virginie says:
Virginie: We should think about lunch now.
Pierre: I can order a pizza.
Virginie: Good idea, I can make a salad.
Narrator: The next day is a Thursday.
Narrator: Daniel walks with Virginie and Mathilde in the old town.
Narrator: Virginie points to a café.
Virginie: The painter Paul Cézanne went often to the Café Clément.
Daniel: I believe that one can visit his studio here in Aix-en-Provence.
Virginie: Yes, and here is the bank where he worked until 1862.
Daniel: The bank? Paul Cézanne was a banker?
Narrator: Virginie explains:
Virginie: Yes he worked in his father’s bank before painting.
Daniel: Oh OK, I didn't know that!
Virginie: Paul Cezanne liked to live in Aix-en-Provence.
Narrator: They walk in the old town.
Narrator: Daniel admires the numerous old houses.
Narrator: On Cathedral Square, Virginie says
Virginie: The Saint Sauveur Cathedral is very ancient.
Daniel: When was it built?
Virginie: The bell tower was erected in 1323.
Daniel: America was discovered more than a hundred years later.
Virginie: We are proud of our cathedral!
Daniel: Are we going to see the Cours Mirabeau?
Virginie: Yes, it's the liveliest neighborhood of Aix-en-Provence.

French Language Game: Tutoyer - Using "tu"

Quick French Language Game: Tutoyer - Using "tu"
A quick online game where students first use "vous" and then "tu".
Daniel meets Mathilde and her sister Virginie. He politely starts out using the formal "vous" when he's introduced to Mathilde. But Virginie tells him that he's being much too formal.
Shadow the French OUT LOUD after the speaker! You'll improve your pronunciation.
There are a couple of very useful phrases in this conversation. Practice them until they become automatic.
You can clicking on the French sentence to have it repeated.
Our games work best for mid-to-high Beginners who want to learn and review conversational French.
Play on a Computer or Tablet.

Using "tu" or "vous

"Tu" is the singular familiar word for "you".
Use it with family, children, good friends, classmates, some colleagues.
Using "tu" suggests that you know each other well, are the same age, have equal status, etc.

"Vous" is the singular formal word for "you", as well the plural for "you", familiar or formal.
Use it with older people, in business and professional situations, with strangers.
Using "vous" shows respect and/or distance, and should be used when in doubt.

Phrases in French Language Game

  • bonjour - hello
  • enchanté(e) - delighted (m/f)
  • la connaissance - the acquaintance
  • Enchanté de faire votre connaissance - Delighted to meet you. (formal)
  • ne sois pas - don't be ... (fam.) [être]
  • si formel - so formal
  • tutoyer - to use the familiar "tu" with sb.
  • vous - you (sing. formal and/or plural form/fam)
  • vous pouvez vous tutoyer - you can use "tu" with each other
  • déranger - to bother, upset
  • Ça ne te dérange pas? - You don't mind? (fam.)
  • Bien sûr. - Of course.
  • Bien sûr que non. - Of course not.
  • entre étudiants - among students
  • nous - we, us, to ourselves/each other
  • nous nous tutoyons toujours - we always use "tu" with each other

Ne sois pas

Note: Here, "Ne sois pas ... !" (Don't be ...!) is an imperative form of "être".
(tu) sois ! - be!
(nous) soyons ! - let's be!
(vous) soyez ! - be!

If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a French Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice French online for FREE with our 36-Scene French 1 Travel-Story: "Daniel en France". 
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts. 
Just login HERE.
"The Story" and easy games will let you forget that you're actually learning French! 
If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

French Language Game: Je te présente...

Quick French language Game: Je te présente Daniel (This is Daniel)
Play this quick online game to learn and practice 16 useful French phrases in the context of a mini-story.
Daniel arrives at his friend Pierre's place in Aix-en-Provence.
Pierre's girlfriend Virginie opens the door and introductions follow.

Say the French OUT LOUD right after the speaker! It'll sharpen your pronunciation!
You may already know most of the words, but saying them as part of a real conversation takes some practice.
Click on the French sentence and imitate the intonation of the speaker.
You can also "shadow" the sounds by saying the sentence along with the speaker.
Our games are for mid-to-high Beginners who want to learn and practice conversational French. 

Phrases in French Language Game

  • Daniel trouve - Daniel finds [trouver]
  • le cinquante-deux rue Mazarine - 52 Mazarine Street [i.e. the number 52]
  • Virginie ouvre la porte. - Virginie opens the door. [ouvrir]
  • Elle l'accueille. - She greets him. [accueillir]
  • Contente de faire ta connaissance. - Pleased(f) to meet you. (fam.)
  • enfin  - at last
  • Moi aussi. - Me too.
  • Il entre dans l'appartement. - He comes into the apartment.
  • il voit - he sees [voir]
  • une autre jeune femme - another young woman
  • ma soeur Mathilde - my sister Mathilde
  • rendre visite - to visit (a person)
  • elle me rend visite - she's visiting me
  • Mathilde, je te présente Daniel. - Mathilde, this is Daniel. ('I introduce to you')
  • un ami de Pierre - a friend of Pierre's
  • de Boston - from Boston

If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a French Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice French online for FREE with our 36-Scene French 1 Travel-Story: "Daniel en France". 
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts. 
Just login HERE.
"The Story" and easy games will let you forget that you're actually learning French! 
If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

French Language Game: Je cherche...

Quick French language Game: Je cherche... - I'm looking for...
Play this quick online game to learn and practice 17 useful French phrases as part of a mini-story.
Daniel is looking for his friend's place in Aix-en-Provence.
He asks a passerby how to get to the street his friend lives on.
Say the French OUT LOUD after the speaker! It's a great way to improve your pronunciation!
You may know already the meaning of the words, but saying them fluently in a full sentence takes some practice.
This you can do by clicking on the French sentence as often as you want, and by imitating the intonation speaker.
A trick I really like is to say the phrase or sentence along with the speaker, in a sense "shadowing" the sounds.
Our games are for mid-to-high Beginners who want to learn and review conversational French. 

Phrases in French Language Game

  • elle explique - she explains [expliquer]
  • comment se rendre à - how to get to (a place)
  • à leur appartement - to their apartment
  • il ne peut pas - he can't [pouvoir]
  • trouver - to find
  • il demande à  - to ask (a person) [demander]
  • une passante - a passerby (f)
  • excusez-moi - excuse me (formal)
  • je cherche - I'm looking for [chercher]
  • la rue n'est pas loin - the street isn't far
  • vous suivez - you follow (form.) [suivre]
  • à gauche - to the left
  • puis tout droit - then straight ahead
  • et à droite - and to the right
  • sur la rue Mazarine - onto Mazarine Street
  • C'est très simple. - That's very easy.
  • Merci beaucoup. - Thank you very much.

If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a French Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice French online for FREE with our 36-Scene French 1 Travel-Story: "Daniel en France". 
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts. 
Just login HERE.
"The Story" and easy games will let you forget that you're actually learning French! 
If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

French Language Story Game 3

French Language Story: Le voyage de Daniel 3.

In the third part of his trip to France, Daniel stays a few more days in Paris.
He then takes a train to Aix-en-Provence to see a friend he had met in Boston.
Hear and read Part 3 of Daniel's trip in French.
It contains 140 basic words and phrases, all in context.
With this story, you can test your Level of audio comprehension of French: If you understand most of the story without looking at the English, you are plus or minus on the Level of Threshhold or Intermediate, i.e. B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). You can check a Table on Wikipedia with the Levels here.
Listened to the story a few times until you become familiar with its meaning without translating the words in your head.
Repeat the sentences a split-second after the speaker to really internalize the sounds and the rhythm of what you hear.

10 Key Verbs in the Travel Story

  • faire - to do
  • payer - to pay
  • vouloir - to want
  • rencontrer - to meet
  • visiter - to visit (a place)
  • aller - to go
  • prendre - to take
  • changer - to change
  • attendre - to wait
  • composer - to dial (a number)

You can see the English translation by rolling over a sentence on a Desk- or Laptop (but not on a Phone or Tablet). You can also see the English translation here below.

To practice and recall the individual words and phrases of the story, register or log in and go to French 1, Daniel en France.

Translation of Story

[Daniel and his cousin Julie took a break on their tour of Paris to have coffee and some strawberry tarts at a Café. Now Daniel calls the waiter for the check.]
Daniel (to the waiter in a Café): Excuse me
Daniel: The check please!
Narrator: The waiter brings the check.
The waiter: Here you are. That makes 21 euros 45.
Narrator: The waiter leaves.
Daniel asks Julie: Can I pay with a credit card?
Julie: Yes, if you want.
Daniel: I have a hundred euros, I’m paying cash.
Narrator: Then he asks Julie:
Daniel: Is the service included?
Julie: Yes, in France always.
Narrator: Daniel stays a few more days in Paris.
Narrator: He walks in the city with his young cousin.
Narrator: He meets Julie’s friends.
Narrator: He visits several museums
Narrator: And he learns a lot of things about the history of the city.
Narrator: He's particularly interested in the Louvre Museum.
Narrator: On Wednesday Aunt Annie accompanies Daniel to the train station.
Narrator: At the ticket window, he says:
Daniel: One second class ticket to Aix-en-Provence, please.
Ticket Agent: One-way or return?
Daniel: One-way, please.
Ticket Agent: That makes 75 euros by the TGV.
Daniel: Here are 80 euros.
Ticket Agent: Thank you, and here are 5 euros.
Narrator: Daniel takes his ticket.
Narrator: Then he asks the ticket agent:
Daniel: When does the next TGV to Aix-en-Provence leave?
Ticket Agent: In seven minutes, at six eighteen p.m.
Daniel: Do I have to change trains?
Ticket Agent: No, the TGV is direct.
Daniel: Thank you. Do you know on which track?
Ticket Agent: One moment - track number twelve.
Daniel: Thanks a lot for your help.
Ticket Agent: You're welcome and have a good trip.
Narrator: Daniel goes to track 12.
Narrator: He doesn't wait long before the train arrives.
Narrator: In the train he finds right away a seat by the window.
Narrator: Just as he begins to read his guidebook, he hears:
Young woman: Is this seat still available?
Daniel: Yes, of course.
Narrator: A young woman sits down next to him.
Narrator: Less than three hours later, Daniel arrives in Aix-en-Provence.
Narrator: He has the address of a friend from Boston.
Narrator: He dials the number on his cell phone.
Narrator: A woman picks up.
Daniel: Hello, could I speak to Pierre please?
Young woman: I’m sorry, he's not yet here.
Narrator: Then she asks:
Young woman: Who's calling?
Daniel: Daniel Dumont, I’m a friend from Boston.
Young Woman: Ah Daniel! I'm Virginie, Pierre's girlfriend.
Daniel: Hello Virginie. When will he be back?
Virginie: In a quarter of an hour.

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