Dutch Language Game: Numbers 1-20
Quick Dutch Language Game: Numbers 1 to 20.
The Dutch numbers are easy for English speakers. But their pronunciation does need some practice. Always say the numbers out loud after the native speaker.
With this interactive Dutch numbers game, which includes some simple additions and subtractions (for example: twee plus een is ...; twaalf min drie is ... ), you can learn the numbers 1-20 in Dutch.
What makes it fun is that you'll follow a sequence of Memory game, Shootout, Word Invaders, and Word Hero.
Dutch Numbers 1-20
1 een
2 twee
3 drie
4 vier
5 vijf
6 zes
7 zeven
8 acht
9 negen
10 tien
11 elf
12 twaalf
Note: From 13 to 19, you add the suffix -tien (ten), but 13 and 14 are slightly irregular.
13 dertien
14 veertien
Note: The numbers 15 to 19 are quite regular: 5+10 (vijftien), 6+10 (zestien), etc.
15 vijftien
16 zestien
17 zeventien
18 achttien
19 negentien
20 twintig
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Dutch Language Game: Days of the Week
Quick Dutch Language Game: Days of the Week
Level: Beginner (A1)
Playing Time: 2 1/2 minutes
For English speakers, Dutch days of the week are challenging mainly because of pronunciation.
In this game you'll practice the Dutch "g", (as in "-dag")
Other common words with "g": "gaan" (to go), "graag gedaan" (you're welcome), "goed" (good), "gezellig" (cosy, pleasant), "gisteren" (yesterday), "gracht" (canal), etc.
You'll also practice the Dutch "ij" (as in "vrijdag").
Other common words with "ij": "mij" (me), 'jij" (you, informal), "zij" (she, they), "hij" (he), tijd (time), etc.
Note: Dutch days of the week are not capitalized.
They are all "common gender": de maandag, de dinsdag, etc.
Dutch Days of the Week
• maandag - Monday
• dinsdag - Tuesday
• woensdag - Wednesday
• donderdag - Thursday
• vrijdag - Friday
• zaterdag - Saturday
• zondag - Sunday
• de week - the week
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