Spanish Language Game: 10 Basic Adverbs
Spanish Quick Language Game. 10 Basic Adverbs.
Learn or brush up on these basic Adverbs with a fun interactive Online Spanish Vocabulary Game.
Practice the meaning, pronunciation, and quick recognition in context of the Spanish words for now, later, here, there, nearby, far away, more, less, lots, little.
Knowing these adverbs can really help you becoming more fluent.
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More than a Spanish Language Game
If you like our Spanish games, you can practice Spanish - online and completely for Free - with our 36-Scene story "David en España" by just logging in, or registering HERE.
You can find more resources for learning and practicing Spanish on FREELANGUAGE.ORG.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with a travel-story of a young man in Spain and easy games.