Italian Language Game: La torre
Italian Language Game: "La torre" - The tower. Here you can learn and practice 16 useful Italian words and phrases in the context of a brief story.
In this mini-story, Marco's cousin Valeria shows him around Pisa and they have a look at the famous Leaning Tower.
The story is part of our Italian 1 course, which is made up of a series of brief stories that use everyday vocabulary. (You can play the full course for FREE when you register HERE.)
Say the words and phrases ALOUD along with or right after the native speaker. It's a great way to get a better pronunciation and improve your listening skills.
Note that in Italian, the words for "I, you, he, she" etc. are often dropped, unless they are needed for clarity or emphasis. In our mini-story, you'll understand from the context whether "non ha" means "she doesn't have" or "he doesn't have".
Words in Italian Mini-Story Language Game
- il giorno dopo - the day after, the next day
- la domenica - the Sunday
- lo zio - the uncle
- non ha - s/he doesn't have [avere]
- la scuola - the school
- vuole - s/he wants [volere]
- mostrare - to show
- stanno attraversando - they're crossing
- la piazza - the square
- la torre - the tower
- laggiù - over there
- il campanile - the bell tower
- quello - that (m)
- pendente - leaning [pendere]
- famoso - famous (m)
- in tutto il mondo - in the whole world
Our language games work best for learners at the mid- to high-beginner level.
In this game, you'll first hear the mini-story, and then practice and recall the individual words. At the end, you'll hear the brief story again.
Say the sentences along with or right after the speaker. Try not to translate and if you don't need to, don't roll over the sentences. When you click on each individual sentence you'll hear it again.
Learning words in the context of connected sentences helps you see how the Italian language is put together. At this point, it's not that important to learn the grammar rules.
As you practice with sentences in context, you'll start noticing typical language patterns. By listening and reading a lot, you'll become more and more familiar with the patterns.
Writing down some of the words and phrases will help you to remember them better.
But, you probably know by now that learning a language means forgetting and relearning words all the time. It's the way our brain puts them into our long-term memory.
For more easy games see also our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
If you like our Italian games, please SHARE them with your friends.
More Than an Italian Language Game
And don't forget: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions - don't hesitate to contact us!
Categories: Italian | Tags: Italian, Italian game, Italian language game, Italian quick game, Italian word game