Jobsite Spanish Game: Materials 1
Jobsite Spanish Game: "Materials 1".
The idea for this game came from our architect son, who was trying to communicate with Spanish-speakers at a construction site.
Clearly, these are only a few of the terms that architects, contractors and workers are using.
In this quick interactive online game you'll learn and practice 8 basic terms for materials used at a jobsite.
- tierra (f) - soil, earth
- madera (f) - wood
- acero (m) - steel
- concreto (m) - concrete
- hierro (m) - iron
- tablón (m) - plank, board
- madera laminada (f) - plywood
- acero de refuerzo (m) - rebar (reinforcing bar)
To also play Jobsite Spanish Tools 1 click on the link.
If you'd like us to add any specific jobsite Spanish vocabulary or terms, just drop us a note to info@gamesforlanguage.com.
Posted 17:22PM on May 05 2017 by Ulrike Rettig
Categories: Jobsite Spanish | Tags: Jobsite spanish, Materials in spanish, Spanish, Spanish language game, Spanish online game
Categories: Jobsite Spanish | Tags: Jobsite spanish, Materials in spanish, Spanish, Spanish language game, Spanish online game