English Language Game: Short Answers
Quick English Language Game: Short Answers
Play this quick interactive online English Language Game (ESL) to practice short answers in context.
In English we usually don't use only Yes or No as an answer to a question.
Saying just Yes or No is often not considered polite.
Instead, we use "short answers," such as "Yes, I do," "No, you can't," "Yes, he is," "No, it doesn't."
You'll see that many short answers in English follow a pattern that you can easily understand.
At the same time, practice your listening comprehension and pronunciation by repeating them after the speaker.
Posted 18:49PM on April 20 2016 by Ulrike Rettig
Categories: English (ESL) | Tags: English, English language game, English online game, Quick english language game
Categories: English (ESL) | Tags: English, English language game, English online game, Quick english language game