German Language Game: Wissen - Present Tense
Ouick German Language Game - the verb "wissen" - to know (a fact).
Level: Beginner (A1)
Time to Play: 4 minutes
You'll learn and practice the present tense forms of the verb "wissen" (to know), which is irregular.
The singular forms "ich, du, er, sie, es" have a long vowel "-ei-", and are spelled with the letter "ß" (pronounced "ss").
The plural forms "wir, ihr, Sie, sie" have a short vowel "-i-" (-ih), and are spelled with "-ss-".
Wissen - Present Tense
- ich weiß - I know
- du weißt - you know (familiar)
- er, sie, es weiß - he, she, it knows
- wir wissen - we know
- ihr wisst - you know (plural)
- Sie wissen - you know (formal)
- sie wissen - they know
Sentences with forms of the verb "wissen"
- Wissen Sie, wie sie heißt? - Do you know what her name is?
- Ja, ich weiß es. - Yes, I know (it).
- Sie wissen nicht, wo sie wohnt? - You don't know where she lives?
- Doch. - Yes, I do. (contradicting a negative)
- Doch, ich weiß, wo sie wohnt. - Yes I do, I know where she lives.
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More Than a German Language Game
And don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?".
(If you already know that "Blüten" means blossom in German - you'll learn that Blüten has still another meaning...).
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Categories: German | Tags: German game, German language game, German quick language game, German.wissen