German Language Game: Practice: er, ihm, ihn

Quick German Language Game: "er, ihm, ihn".
Test your knowledge of the German pronouns  - er ihm ihn - with this quick and fun interactive "Word Invader" Game.
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More Than a German Language Game

And don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?".
(If you already know that "Blüten" means blossom in German - you'll learn that Blüten has still another meaning...).
Just login HERE.
If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

Posted 20:35PM on July 21 2014 by Ulrike Rettig
Categories: German | Tags: Er ihm ihn, German, German grammar, German online game, German pronouns, Quick german language game