Italian Language Game: Vocabulary Quiz #1
In this Italian Language Game, Vocabulary Quiz #1, you can playfully test your knowledge of 8 basic Italian verbs that end in -are.
You'll also review the present tense forms of these verbs.
- parlare - to speak
- imparare - to learn
- trovare - to find
- augurare - to wish (someone)
- aspettare - to wait
- abitare - to live (reside)
- salutare - to greet
- esercitare - to practice
In this quiz, we are using verb forms that are part of our Italian course "Marco in Italia" Level 1.
See and hear each in the context of a short phrase or sentence.
If you want to brush up on your Italian - just log-in again or register and play our full Italian 1 course - 36 game-based lessons - for Free.
If you want extra practice, just listen to the Italian 1Level 1 Podcast.
And if you want to find out why learning Italian with GamesforLanguage is not only fun but also effective, read 5 Reasons for Language Learning with a Travel Story and Games.
If you're playing the Story "Marco in Italia," you can download the Vocabulary lists of the six lessons (we call them "Scenes") of Level 1 as PDFs on the Playing page of the Italian 1 course.
For more easy games see also our post: 5 Easy Italian Language Games.
Or you can find ALL of them - over 60 by now - on the Italian Quick Language Games page.
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More Than an Italian Language Game
And don't forget: You can practice Italian online for FREE with our 36-Scene Italian 1 Travel-Story: "Marco in Italia".
In it you learn and practice all the words, phrases and sentences you also hear in the podcasts. Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions - don't hesitate to contact us!
Categories: Italian | Tags: Games for language, Italian 1 course, Italian quick game, Italian test, Language learning, Marco in italia