German Language Game: The Berlin Wall
German Language Game: The Berlin Wall.
Learn and practice some 15 German terms and phrases that relate to the Berlin Wall.
Use them for your next party conversation - in German - about the Berlin Wall, which was built in August 1961 and came down in November 1989.
Most Germans from that time - and many Americans too - remember where they were, when they heard the surprising news that the Berlin Wall was being torn down.
That point in time is usually referred to as "die Wende" (the turning point) in German.
Vocabulary in "Berliner Mauer" Language Game
- die Mauer - the wall
- der Fall - the fall, destruction
- die Erinnerung - the memory
- ich erinnere mich - I remember
- die Regierung - the government
- der Bau - the construction
- der Mauerbau - the building of the Wall
- die Rede - the speech
- das Tor - the gate
- das Brandenburger Tor - the Brandenburg Gate
- die DDR - the GDR/East Germany
- die Wende - the turning point
- vor - ago
- Wann war der Fall der Berliner Mauer? - When was the fall of the Berlin Wall?
- Vor fünfundzwanzig Jahren. - 25 years ago.
- Ich erinnere mich daran. - I remember it.
- Ich nicht. - I don't., Not me.
You can also read our Blog: The Berlin Wall and Memories of a Frightened Teenager..., with some more about "Die Mauer" and memories when I returned from East Berlin in 1965.
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More Than a German Language Game
And don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?".
(If you already know that "Blüten" means blossom in German - you'll learn that Blüten has still another meaning...). Just login HERE.
If you have any language questions - don't hesitate to contact us!
Categories: German | Tags: Die berliner mauer, German, German game, German language game, The berlin wall