Posted on by Peter Editor

A Lingohut Post about Language Learning

We recently published this post on

pebbel-stone path

 Finding the Adult-Path to Language Learning

Contrary to some popular marketing slogans (“Learn a foreign language like a child”), adults cannot really do that.

Because they have already learned their native language and are able to read and write it, adults cannot acquire a foreign language like a child.

As adults, we have to take a different – our own – path for learning a new language.

For a starter, we should pay attention to our likes and dislikes.

In addition, being aware of HOW we learn, can make learning interesting and ultimately quite effective.


Research on left brain (logical, verbal, auditory, sequential) and right brain functions (creative, visual, spatial, emotional) has been ongoing for decades, and new imaging techniques have greatly enhanced our knowledge of how the brain works.

It’s no mystery that learning a language involves many functions of the brain for everyone.

For example, we now also know, that new words are “encoded” in our brain and once they are “consolidated,” they start shifting from short-term to long-term memory.

Swiss researchers even found that you can enhance your vocabulary retention during sleep.

 Click to read on

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