Posted on by Joan B.

How to make Language Learning Easier and Faster

Language Learner Type In a previous post we gave some tips for adults who want to restart with a foreign language they abandoned after leaving school. But even restarting can be tough -- it takes time, energy, practice, and commitment. It's even more difficult, though, when you are starting with a completely new language. So why make it harder on yourself than it needs to be?

One simple strategy can make learning feel much simpler, and it begins with taking a look at how you like to learn, as well as your overall goals. While there are certainly overlaps in what you'll need to learn, the idea is to prioritize what you're learning to make it the most fun and effective for you.

Think about it: what vocabulary do you need to learn first if you're heading overseas on vacation? How about if you want to communicate with clients in your industry? Different goals, different priorities.

To help you get started thinking about your goals, and how those can affect how you study the language, TakeLessons' Joan B. put together this primer. It also includes a helpful Learning style Quiz, just in case you don't know already!

So go ahead, check out this infographic: Guide with Language Learning Tips and other articles on the TakeLessons blog!

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