Posted on by Peter and Ulrike Rettig

Learning German with a Story: "Blüten in Berlin?"

Berliner Morgenpost - First Page - November 9, 2013 “Blüten” in German means “blossoms,” but in colloquial language the word also means “funny money.” Our German 2 course uses a story that appeared in the Berlin newspaper in 2013, as shown in this excerpt on the left.

Using a story makes learning German more fun. Note the admonition that “Blüten müssen umgehend der Polizei gemeldet werden.” (Funny money has to be reported to the police right away.)

Language Magazine October 2014

The write-up in Language Magazine's” online October edition (see screenshot below, right) describes how this narrative is used in's German 2 course to teach and practice real and useful German phrases and sentences. 

The first three Levels (36 lessons/Scenes) of our German 2 course are online and ready to be played. Those who completed the German 1course will recall why Michael Mueller is visiting Berlin again. More lessons are being added as they are being completed.

Changed Lesson Format for Learning German

Language Magazine - Blüten in BerlinAnyone with basic knowledge of German can jump in at German 2 (finishing German 1 is not a prerequisite). German 2 builds your mastery of idiomatic language, helps you understand and use those hard-to-pin-down filler words (ja, schon, noch, doch, denn, eigentlich, mal etc.), and has you practicing "conversational past" and "simple past" verb forms.

Returning players will notice a change in our lesson format: Each of the six levels of German 2 now have 12 lessons or Scenes, for a total of 72.

Each Scene has two parts; and various games have now been combined in “Memory,” “Listen & Write,“ and “Deal No Deal” games to make learning and practicing even more fun and effective.

You Want to Learn German Fast?

Our games and travel-story based courses are also a great way to practice your German. If travel to Germany is in your near future, you may also enjoy our post: 4 Fun German Language Games Before You Travel.

Not everyone will agree when Benny Lewis', the Irish Polyglot, exclaims: "Why German is easy!". But, if you are serious about learning German - and even before you buy or subscribe to any expensive courses (except, which is FREE!)  you may want to read Benny's e-book

Disclosure: Some links above are to a partner's program with revenue sharing, if you decide to buy or subscribe.